
Season of Summer Printables For Kids

Looking for learning printables for the summer? Here is a great list of all the summer themed printable packs on 3 Dinosaurs.

You will find summer reading charts, summer weekly packs, Summer Learning Programs, summer printable packs, and more summer themes for kids.

Plus you can get a quick way to all the different fun summer printables and fun summer activities

Season of Summer themed Printables with summer printable packs, summer reading charts, summer learning packs, and summer bucket lists - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Summer has so many great themes like watermelon, ice cream, ocean, beach, camping, baseball, 4th of July, space, zoo, and pirates to name of few. I have gathered a few of my printables for these themes to share here. These are not all the summer printables for each of the summer learning themes.

You can check out individual summer themes below to find printables and activities that go with each summer theme. Click on the image below to check out each theme.

Season of Summer Printables & Activities Menu

A jump to the Summer printables and activities you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.

Summer Printable Bundles
Learn At Home Packs
Season of Summer Printable Packs
Blank Summer Bucket Lists
Summer Reading Charts
Summer Learning Programs

Summer Printable Bundles

No-Prep Weekly Packs for the Summer has all the weekly packs for spring for kids to use. They have 6 grade level options: PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Sequencing Cards Set for Summer has all the spring themed sequencing printables you can use with kids. It has 12 different sequencing activities.

Summer Number Color and Trace Bundle has all the summer themed number color and number trace or write. They have numbers from 0 to 20 in the each theme.

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Learn At Home Packs

These are wonderful no-prep packs that have different weeks of activities that can be used at any time. They have different grade levels and activities in a great no-prep printable. They work great for a summer review, winter break, or even homework. There are different several different weeks in the no-prep weekly packs.

Learning At Home PreK – You will find ABCs, numbers, colors, and shapes. Each day has a mix of activities on each of these.

Learning At Home Kindergarten – You will find CVC, preprimer sight words, with a mix of other languages, plus several types of math.

Learning At Home First Grade – You will find CVCC words, first grade sight words, reading sentences, a miss of other language activities plus a mix of math for first grade.

Learning At Home Second Grade – You will find CVCe, second grade sight words, mix of other language arts, plus a mix of math for second grade.

Learning At Home Third Grade – You will find trigraphs, long vowel word families, third grade sight words, other English language arts, plus a mix of math for third grade.

Learning At Home Fourth Grade – You will find some cursive, read and answer, a mix of language arts for fourth grade, a mix of math for fourth grade, and more!

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Season of Summer Printable Packs

These are all the printable packs you could use during the summer. They vary in level and what is in them. And there may be more packs in the individual round-ups for each theme.

Season of Summer Printable Packs Menu

A jump to the summer printable pack theme you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.

Summer Printable Packs
Beach Printables Packs
Ocean Printables Packs
Zoo Printables Packs
4th of July Printables Packs
Pirate Printables Packs
Baseball Printables Packs
Bugs Printables Packs
Space Printables Packs
Transportation Printables Packs
Dinosaurs Printable Packs

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Summer Printable Packs

Here are the Printable Packs that are great for the summer. These are all packs that might make your summer more fun! Each of them has a range of activities and varies from one to the other. They all have book recommendations to go with each one.

No-Prep Summer Weekly Packs has five days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. The Summer No-Prep packs are great for summer review or fun back to school fun activities.

Camping No-Prep Weekly Packs has five days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. The Summer No-Prep packs are great for summer learning.

Summer Games No-Prep Weekly Packs has five days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. The Summer No-Prep packs are great for summer games or any summer sports theme.

Summer Pack is a full summer words and themed printable activities that kids can do. There are several levels you have tot, preschool, prek, kindergarten and first grade activities in the pack.

Summer Activities Pack has 189 pages of prewriting, ABCs, numbers, and shapes. You will find clip cards, easy reader books, no-prep pages, and tracing strips.

Summer Olympics Pack is load up with tons of summer sports you can use during the summer! It has over 100 pages of summer sports activities for kids.

BBQ Pack has fun items you need or might have at a BBQ. You will find fun grilling activities that kids can do with tot, preschool, prek, and kindergarten.

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Beach Printables Packs

Beach No-Prep Weekly Packs has 6 grade levels of printables with Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth grade. You have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day.

Beach Activity Pack is a great pack with loads of prewriting, ABCs, number, and shape activities for kids all with a beach and shell theme that work great together!

The Beach Pack is one of my favorite packs. It goes with the book There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell!. Plus many other beach themes as well!

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Ocean Printables Packs

Ocean No-Prep Weekly Packs has 6 grade level weekly packs. They have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. They are made to just print and use. They have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Ocean Activity Pack is a great pack with loads of prewriting, ABCs, number, and shape activities for kids all with a ocean fish that work great together!

The House for Hermit Crab Pack was made to go with the book A House for Hermit Crab. Plus many other hermit crab themes.

The Ocean Pack and the Ocean Pack Update has always been a favorite at our house!

The Mini Shark Pack was a fun addition last year. It was great for Shark Week!

Shark Weekly Packs has 6 grade level weekly packs. They have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. They are made to just print and use. They have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Shark Activity Pack has shapes, prewriting, ABCs, and numbers. You are clip cards, easy reader books, tracing strips and no-prep pages. Loads of fun learning activities.

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Zoo Printables Packs

Zoo No-Prep Weekly Packs are easy to use weekly packs that have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. These are great packs that you just have to print and use!

The Zoo Pack and the Zoo Pack Update are some of our favorite summer packs! It is also a great summer theme and something to take with you on the trips to the zoo!

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4th of July Printables Packs

4th of July Weekly Packs has 6 grade level weekly packs. They have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. They are made to just print and use. They have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.
The Four of July pack is great for Independence Day and also for other US Themed Holidays because of the US themes in the pack.

The American Revolutionary War Pack is over 110 pages long and has great information for learning about the war for all ages. It is good for ages 2 to 8 or 9. This pack can be used with Tot, Preschool, Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade.

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Pirate Printables Packs

Pirate No-Prep Week Packs has 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. It has Prek, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. You just have to print and use.

Pirate Activity Pack works on Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs & Numbers. All with a fun priate theme that kids will love.

The Pirate pack is great for those that love a fun pirate theme to learn with it has print and cursive in the pack to learn with.

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Baseball Printables Packs

Baseball No-Prep Weekly Packs is great for spring, summer and fall. It has no-prep packs for Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. You have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day.

The Baseball Pack is a great theme for the summer! There is the original Pack and the Baseball Pack Update.

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Bugs Printables Packs

Bug No-Prep Weekly Packs are great no-prep printable packs for spring and summer. It has loads of bug learning activities with a mix of math and language. You have six grade levels pre, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.

Butterfly No-Prep Weekly Packs are another set of no-prep weekly packs that are great for spring and summer. You have butterfly life cycle activities, with a mix of math and language. You have six grade levels pre, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.

Butterfly Activities Pack for Prewriting, Shape, ABCs & Numbers. It has no-prep pages, easy reader books, clip cards and tracing strip for kids to learn with. Plus the butterfly theme is great for spring.

Bug Pack has over 70+ pages of fun learning activities. You are going to find both bugs and insects in the pack. It is great for ages 2 to 7. It has bug vocab cards, bug prewriting, patterns and more. This is a great kindergarten and preschool insect themed printable.

Bug Pack Update is an update to the original pack. You will find more hands-on bug activities and ready to print bug activities. There are 40+ pages in the pack. It has some great prek bug activities, This is a great kindergarten and preschool insect themed printable.

Butterfly Color Pack has 63 pages of activities with different colored butterflies for kids to learn color words. You have butterfly color clip cards, butterfly color easy reader books, butterfly color no-prep pages, butterfly color puzzles and more. It is great for working on color words.

Itsy Bitsy Spider Weekly Packs is another set of no-prep weekly packs that are great for spring and summer. You have the Itsy Bitsy Spider Story activities, with a mix of math and language. You have six grade levels pre, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.

Itsy Bitsy Spider Pack has 71 pages of activities and is great for ages 3 to 7. You will find lots of the same activities you find in other packs. It has prewriting, Color the itsy bitsy spider story, color and trace, story cards and more. This is a great pack for preschool, prek, and kindergarten.

Life Cycle of a Butterfly Pack has over 70 pages with print and cursive with loads of hands on activities and no-prep activities around the butterfly life cycle. This is a great bug themed pack for tot, preschool, prek, and kindergarten. You can use some of the writing pages for first grade and second grade.

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Space Printables Packs

Space No-Prep Weekly Packs have five days of printables with four pages for each day. Plus you just have to print and use! You will find packs for Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Space Pack is a great for Tot to Kindergarten pack with loads of space activities. Over 100 pages and includes dot marker pages which are our favrotie

Space Activities Pack has 191 pages of prewriting, shapes, ABCs and numbers! It has a mix of no-prep, clip cards, easy reader books and tracing strips for kids to use.

Planets Learning Pack is one the packs on the site that have worksheets for older kids in it. There are planet pages to learn more about each planet. It has over 90 pages.

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Transportation Printables Packs

Transportation No-Prep Weekly Packs are amazing no-prep packs. They have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You can Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade levels. Just print and go.

Transportation Activity Pack has prewriting, shapes, ABC, and numbers. You will find easy reader books, clip cards, tracing strips and no-pre pages. They all have a car and sign themed for kids.

Car Themed Color Pack has 11 colors in a car themed pack for kids to learn color words. This is a great Prek and Kindergarten transportation printable.

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Dinosaurs Printable Packs

No-Prep Dinosaur Weekly Packs have five days of printables with four pages for each day. Plus you just have to print and use! You will find packs for Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Dinosaur Activity Pack with prewriting, ABCs, shapes, numbers that has a mix of no-prep and hand-on printables that are great for kids in prek and kindergarten. You have no-prep pages, easy reader book, clip cards and tracing strips in the dinosaur pack.

Dinosaur Pack has kids activities from 2 to about 7. It has a mix of no-prep and hands on activities you can use. Plus there is an Dinosaur Pack Update you can use as well. It adds on fun new activities.

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Blank Summer Bucket Lists

A great way to have fun during the summer is with a bucket list! Here are some blank ones for your kids to write or draw in what they want to do.

There is also a bucket list that is great for filling out the top ten for the summer!

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Summer Reading Charts

Reading Charts are a great way to keep track of kids reading during the summer. I have several types of charts. There is Summer, Princess, Knight, Ocean, Dinosaur, and more. Lots of ways to keep track of your reading.

Free Summer Reading Bookmarks - 4 levels of reading fun for kids to explore this summer - 3Dinosaurs.com

There is some summer reading charts with questions kids can answers.

Check out the Weekly Reading Charts. There come in minutes and tally markers.

You can also use these fun summer reading bookmarks to keep track of your reading.

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Summer Learning Programs

I can’t talk about summer printables without sharing the summer learning program. Each of these is designed to work on different levels and skills with an easy no-prep summer program. There are 3 programs and each one is different with different levels. You work on the grade you just finished.

Swing Into Summer Learning has 7 levels 6 levels Tot, PreK, Kinder, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade and Fourth Grade. The themes are Zoo, Superhero. Explorer, Bugs and Monster.
Swing Into Summer Learning: Week 1 Zoo
Swing Into Summer Learning: Week 2 Superhero
Swing Into Summer Learning: Week 3 Explorer
Swing Into Summer Learning: Week 4 Bugs
Swing Into Summer Learning: Week 5 Monsters

Build up Summer learning has 6 levels Tot, PreK, Kinder, First Grade, Second Grade, and Third Grade. It themes are Pirate, Pond, Robot, Farm, and Camping.
Build Up Summer Learning: Week 1 Pirate
Build Up Summer Learning: Week 2 Pond
Build Up Summer Learning: Week 3 Robots
Build Up Summer Learning: Week 4 Farm
Build Up Summer Learning: Week 5 Camping

Jump Into Sumemr Learning can be used with this years program. It has 4 levels Tot, PreK, Kinder and First Grade. It themes are Space, Ocean, Beach, Dinosaur and Pioneer.
Jump Into Summer Learning: Space Week 1
Jump Into Summer Learning: Ocean Week 2
Jump Into Summer Learning: Beach Week 3
Jump Into Summer Learning: Dinosaur Week 4
Jump Into Summer Learning: Pioneer Week 5

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Enjoy your summer!

Looking for other seasons:

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


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