
Easy To Use: Free Prewriting Dot Marker Printables

Prewriting activities don’t have to be hard. I know that not every child is ready for prewriting lines. That is what the dot marker prewriting printables are for.

Dot markers are loads of fun and a great way for kids to work on prewriting without tiny lines. The is fun and easy to use.

The free prewriting dot markers printables are a great no-prep printable for kids to use to have fun with and use dot markers at the same time.

Free Prewriting Dot Marker Pages - fun pages for kids to use with dot markers or hands-on objects for working on early prewriting - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

This is a great addition to the prewriting printables and dot marker printables on the site.

So what is pre-writing?

For young kids, pre-writing is the skill to build to work up to writing letters and other types of writing. It also teaches the direction that we read.

You can start a lot of those skills with fine motor activities with playdough and other small motor movements. But a lot of those skills are working up to prewriting with lines. Then working on more fine motor skills that help to do better with writing and reading later in life.

You start out with thick prewriting lines and work to thinner prewriting lines. Then to prewriting patterns that work into writing letters.

Prewriting Dot Marker Printables

This free dot marker printable works on prewriting with dot markers lines.

Each of the circles is perfect for dot markers. Each of the pages have several rows of dots for them to dot.

Free Prewriting Dot Marker Pages - fun pages for kids to use with dot markers or hands-on objects for working on early prewriting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out these writing activities for 2 year olds.

Things to use with the Prewriting Dot Marker Printables

These are a few of the items we have used with the dot marker prewriting printables. You can see examples of how to use some of them below.

How We have used the Free Prewriting Dot Marker Printables

You are going to see several ways to use this dot marker prewriting printable.

Dot Marker Prewriting Rainbow lines

One of our favorite ways is to make rainbow lines! We take several colors of dot marker and use one color on each page.

Free Prewriting Dot Marker Pages - fun pages for kids to use with dot markers or hands-on objects for working on early prewriting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Dot Marker Prewriting Patterns

One way to use these is to make patterns with the dot marker. You can have them pick the patterns or assign patterns to them. We have loads of fun making the patterns.

Free Prewriting Dot Marker Pages - fun pages for kids to use with dot markers or hands-on objects for working on early prewriting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Hands-On Items With Dot Marker Prewriting Printables

One way we love to reuse these is to use objects on the circles. We have used clear glass gems, clear counters, and other items. But one of our favorites is mini erasers. They are loads of fun and you can change them up for every season!

Free Prewriting Dot Marker Pages - fun pages for kids to use with dot markers or hands-on objects for working on early prewriting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Dry Eraser markers With Dot Marker Prewriting Printables

A fun activity we have done is put the page in a sheet protector and draw a circle inside each of the dots. It is great for writing practice. And also loads of fun. Plus you can pick and choose which page to do it on!

Free Prewriting Dot Marker Pages - fun pages for kids to use with dot markers or hands-on objects for working on early prewriting - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Dot Marker Prewriting Printables

If you are looking for more dot maker or q-tip printables you can check out the Dot Prewriting Selling Set. It has start and stop option plus prewriting shapes and more in the set. It is great for kids that want something extra or different with a prewriting theme. It includes the pages for this set plus a lot more options and patterns.

Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Printable Set - easy pages ready for teachers to use no-prep pages, easy reader books, tons of new dotting pages and options for kids. It has 154 pages of printables $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Printable Set

Looking for more dot pre-writing printables or want it just ready to print and use. Then check out the Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Printable Set.

This set includes some of the printables above in an easy no-prep printable set. Plus additional and new printables. The sets include dot marker and q-tip no-prep pages, prewriting strips, easy reader book and more!

Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Printable Set - easy pages ready for teachers to use no-prep pages, easy reader books, tons of new dotting pages and options for kids. It has 154 pages of printables $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Printable Set Printable:

  • Dot marker Prewriting Lines with start and stop
  • Dot marker Prewriting Lines with start and stop with lines types mixed together.
  • Dot Marker Prewriting Fonts with start and stop.
  • Dot Marker Shapes – two shapes per page: circle, square, triangle, oval, rhombus, heart, crescent, rectangle
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Lines with start and stop
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with start and stop with guidelines
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Shapes – four shapes per page: circle, square, triangle, oval, rhombus, heart, crescent, rectangle
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with stop and start with guidelines.
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with stop and start no guidelines.
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with one example and one for them to make on their own with start and stop
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts mixed up in patterns in guidelines
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts in continues pattern in guidelines.
  • Dot Marker Prewriting Line Strips
  • Dot Marker Prewriting Font Strips
  • Dot Marker Prewriting Font Strips with colored stop and start.
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Lines Strips
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with Guidelines
  • Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with Guidelines with colored stop and start.
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Dot Marker lines – Single Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Dot Marker lines – Teacher Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Q-Tip Lines – Single Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Q-Tip Lines – Teacher Print
  • 154 pages
  • Price: $8

What are you will find in the Free Prewriting Dot Marker Printables:

  • No-prep prewriting printable
  • 12 pages of Dot Marker Prewriting
Free Prewriting Dot Marker Pages - fun pages for kids to use with dot markers or hands-on objects for working on early prewriting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Here are some other Prewriting Printables

Q-Tip Prewriting Printables is a wonderful fine motor activity with prewriting with small circles for kids to use q-tips on.

Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables has thick lines in a solid line and a thick dashed line for kids that need bigger lines. Plus has a start and stop for kids to use.

Prewriting Practice Printables has thin lines for kids to trace. There are several different lines to work on. There is only one line type on each page.

Prewriting Practice Dice is a fun prewriting activity with dice you roll and then write what is on the dice.

Check out all the fun Dot Marker Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Dot Marker Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out all the fun Prewriting Printables and Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Prewriting Printables and  Activities

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your creations. As always they are beautiful and creative. Btw, I love your site.

  2. I love this. I’ve tried to download, but all I get is something that keeps asking me to download to convert. I download that and then I never get the download. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for making and sharing these. My kids will benefit greatly. Jennifer

    1. I use photoshop and other programs to make them. I don’t have a how-to make dot marker printables. I just did trial and error on a lot it.

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