Ocean Fish Wreath Craft For Kids

The ocean is a favorite for the summer for lots of kids. And this simple ocean wreath craft is loads of fun.

You can make it in a few minutes and have fun and be creative at the same time. And no ocean wreath craft turns out the same when you make these.

You can color and punch out and make this ocean wreath craft and let kids be creative.

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

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This is a great addition to the ocean crafts and wreath crafts on the site.

This is a super simple ocean wreath craft that kids can make. You can make it with different levels of abilities at the same time.

We love doing crafts and books together. A book that we love is Commotion in the Ocean. You can read the fun poems and learn about fish in the oceans at the same time. We love reading this ocean book. We read it every year.

What you need to make your Ocean Fish Wreath Craft

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

How We Made the Ocean fish Wreath

You are going to see the steps we

Step One: Dot Marker the Paper Plate

You can use any mix of the colors of the blue dot markers to color the wreath. It is super simple to do.

You can see we used a paper under the wreath to protect the table from the dot markers.

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

After you finish dot markering the paper plate then set it aside to dry. Dot markers dry really fast.

Step Two: Color the Paper

You use the oil pastels to color on the cardstock. You can use any color you want. You can mix colors or do different variations of the colors.

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Step Three: Punch Out the Fish

Then you use the fish punch to punch out the fish. This is fun and kids have a great time making their own unique fish.

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Alternate Punching out of the Fish

If you have older kids you can have them color the paper and then turn the punch upside down. You can see the cardstock and the punch. Doing it upside down lets you see the colors and where they will be on the fish.

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can see how the punch turned out with the fun color mix on the fish. This is super fun to get just the right placement of the fish punch.

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Step Four: Glue the Fish on the Wreath

After you have all your fish made you glue the fish on the wreath. You can mix the different types of fix or do just one type of fish.

This is how they want to make the ocean wreath. You can give them the items and suggestions on how they can make it but let them have fun with it.

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Step Five: Add Bubbles to the Wreath

After you have all the fish on the wreath, then add bubbles.

We used silver glitter paper and a hole punch and a small circle punch to make the bubbles.

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Final Look at our Ocean Fish Wreaths

Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com
Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com
Ocean Fish Wreath - ocean  paper plate wreath that kdis can make for a fun ocean craft that any age can make. - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Ocean Crafts for Kids

Ocean Themed Wreaths is another ocean themed wreath that you can make with kids.

Ocean Scene is a fun book and craft activity with a boat and fish stamps.

Fish Stamp the Sea is a fun activity to make an ocean scene for your windows.

Looking for a fun ocean sensory bin? Check out this Ocean Water Bead Sensory Bin.

Check out all the fun Ocean & Beaches Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Ocean & Beaches Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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