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Free Turkey Fine Motor Mats

Turkeys are a great theme for Thanksgiving. And these new free turkey fine motor mats help kids have fun while working on fine motor skills.

You can work on coloring, tracing, hands-on fine motor, and more. All while doing a turkey theme and fine motor skills. These work great for Thanksgiving.

You will find 4 turkey fine motor mats: turkey tracing, turkey template mat, turkey q-tip feathers, and turkey dot marker.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printables are a great addition to the Thanksgiving printables and subscriber freebies on the site.

The Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printables are part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the Thanksgiving section on the subscriber freebie page.

What are Fine Motor Skills?

Fine motor skills involve using the small muscles in your hands and wrists to make precise movements.

This can be tearing paper, playdough, pencil control, or coloring with a crayon.

Turkey Fine Motor Printables

Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable has turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey q-tip feathers, and turkey dot marker. These are all great way to work on fine motor for Thanksgiving.

There turkey fine motor mats with go great with the book Turkey Trouble.

Turkey Template Printables

You have two turkey templates. YOu have a turkey that is a full turkey and works great for coloring and doing torn paper crafts. You have a turkey with the feathers and the outline of the turkey body for crafts and designing a turkey.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Turkey Tracing Printables

You have a turkey tracing mat. It has all the parts of the turkey to trace. And this works great as a fine motor activity and would also work great as a turkey placemat activity for kids.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Turkey Dot Marker Mat Printables

You have a turkey that is all dot markers. This is a great way to work on fine motor skills by filling in the circles on the turkey.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Turkey Q-Tip Mat Printables

You have fun turkey q-tip mat with all the feathers being the perfect size for q-tip or mini dot markers.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Turkey Fine Motor Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable

You are going to see some suggested ways you can use these turkey fine motor printables with kids. You will see the different types of printables.

Turkey Template Printable

You are going to see a few suggestions on how to use this turkey fine motor template.

Color Turkey Template

the turkey template makes a great coloring page to use with kids. You can see fun this is for kids to color. You can use this at the Thanksgiving table or as a learning center. You can use crayons, colored pencils, or markers to color the turkey.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Turkey Template for Disguise a Turkey

You can use this turkey template for making a disguised turkey. That is a fun activity that kids love during Thanksgiving. We look forward to that every year.

Use the Turkey Template for a Placemat

You can use the turkey template for a placemat. Kids can have fun coloring the turkey and then using it as a placement for Thanksgiving. You could do the same with the turkey tracing mat as well.

Turkey Fine Motor Tracing Printables

You can see a few suggestions on how to use the turkey fine motor tracing mat.

Tracing the Turkey Fine Motor Tracing Mat

You can see how fun it is to trace the turkey fine motor mat. You can use crayons or markers for the tracing. You can see how fun the turkey is to trace in different colors.

The turkey tracing printable is also great for a fine motor center for kids.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Reuse the Turkey Tracing Mat in a Learning Center

You can reuse the turkey tracing mat in a learning center by putting it in a sheet protector and using dry erase markers to trace the turkey. If you plan on doing this, I recommend printing on cardstock to help it stay better in the sheet protector.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use the Turkey Tracing Mat for a Thanksgiving Placemat

You can use the turkey tracing mat as a placement for kids during thanksgiving. It is super simple and easy to use and fun to trace and color the turkey and his feathers.

Turkey Dot Marker Mat Printables

You will see a few suggestions on how to use the turkey dot marker mat printable.

Making the Turkey Dot Marker Mat Hands-on

You can use any item you can find to fill in the turkey. And unifix cube work great for this. You can place them on each of the circles, and kids will have a blast.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Dot Marker the Turkey Fine Motor mat

You can use dot markers on the turkey fine motor mat. It is super fun for kids to do and they will have a blast doing it.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Turkey Q-Tip Mat Printables

You can use q-tips and paint on the turkeys, and it works great for fine motor.

But is also fun to use the mini dot markers on the turkey’s feathers. You can see how fun the feathers are it is still a challenge to get the circles but works great for kids who are not ready for q-tip and paint.

Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printables

  • 1 Turkey Tracing Mat Printable
  • 1 Turkey Dot Marker Mat Printable
  • 1 Turkey Q-Tip Mat Printable
  • 2 Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable
  • 5 pages
Free Turkey Fine Motor Mat Printable - with turkey tracing, turkey mat, turkey dot marker - with different options for the turkey - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fall Fine Motor Mat Printable Set

You have 8 fun fall fine motor mats together in a fun bundle. Easy to use and great to use all season.

Fall Fine Motor Mat Printable Set with 8 different themes fine motor mats with dot markers, template, tracing, playdough mats and q-tip printables for building fine motor skills during the fall - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Fall Fine Motor Mats Printable Set

  • 8 Fine motor mats with a mix of templates, tracing, dot marker q-tip and playdough mats.
  • Fall Fine Motor Mats: Apple, Football, Leaf, Pencil, Pumpkin, Spider Web, Poppy, Turkey
  • 48 pages
  • Price: $4

More Turkey Printables For Kids

Turkey Prewriting Tracing Strips has 10 prewriting strips for kids to work on their tracing with thick lines.

Turkey Dot the Number & Count the Dots works on numbers 0 to 20 with a color and black & white option with dot markers.

The No-Prep Turkey Week Packs are great for working on disguising a turkey and turkey themed activities for prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.

There are 3 fun Thanksgiving Place Mats for entertaining the kids on Thanksgiving. You have different activities on each of the place mats.

Turkey Shape Find has 11 shapes for kids to trace and find with shape word and geometric shape It is a no-prep printable.

Turkey Feather Shape Tracing has 5 fun shapes for kids to trace and color for the turkey’s feathers.

Turkey Color Pack is a great color pack that has matching puzzles, word puzzles, color word worksheets, an easy reader book, color clip cards, turkey color feather matching, and more!

Check out all the fun Thanksgiving Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Thanksgiving Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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