
Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel

Coloring pages are an easy way to introduce and review the CVC words. These CVC word family coloring pages are a fun and creative way to do that. My girls love coloring pages.

This CVC coloring pages set has the following short vowel u endings: -ug, -un, -ut

These CVC short vowel coloring pages are short u CVC words that kids learn.

A nice part of these is that you can use these CVC coloring pages with various ages of kids!

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

The CVC Short Vowel Word Coloring Pages Printable is a great addition to the CVC Word Family printables on the site.

What is a CVC Word?

CVC words are words that have a consonant vowel consonant pattern. They have easy to sound out consonants with a short vowel sound in the middle. They don’t have any tricky blends or digraphs for kids to work around.

They are considered simple words that can be used with early readers to help sound out and decode words.

They have short vowel sounds that make sounding out words easy.

You are going to find words like bug. Kids can sound out the letters B U & G. And then blend the sounds together to make the word.

Some CVC words that kids learn are bug, fun, sun, jug, nut, hut, etc.

CVC Coloring Pages for -ug, -un, -ut

The CVC Coloring coloring pages have two or three pictures on each page for the CVC words. Plus an area where they can draw their own CVC picture and word. The printable allows kids to be creative. These printables are a print and use. There is no prep involved at all in them.

These CVC Word Family coloring pages have the following short U endings of ug sound words, un sound words, and ut sound words.

-UG CVC Coloring Worksheet

You have three -ug word family pictures and words: jug, mug, rug.

You can see the pictures for all three and space for kids to draw and write their own -ug word family word.

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

-UN CVC Coloring Worksheet

You have three -un word family pictures and words: bun, run, sun.

You can see the pictures for all three and space for kids to draw and write their own -un word family word.

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

-UT CVC Coloring Worksheet

You have three -ut word family pictures and words: cut, hut, nut.

You can see the pictures for all three and space for kids to draw and write their own -ut word family word.

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the post to see where to get your copy of these free CVC word family coloring pages.

Things to use with the CVC Word Family Coloring Page Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links, we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the CVC Word Family Short U Coloring Page Printables

I will show you a few ways to use these cvc coloring pages. And remember, these are just options you can use.

Trace the CVC Short U Word

You can start off by tracing all the CVC short u words on the page. You can see we have a pencil and pencil grip. If kids are struggling with pencil control this is a great way to help them.

You can trace the CVC words and say the letters of the CVC words as you trace the words. So you can spell h u t and after you finish you say the word hut.

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

Color the CVC Short U Picture

After we traced the short u words We colored the short u pictures with crayons or markers. You can see we colored the hut after tracing the word hut.

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

Draw and Write your own CVC Word

You CVC short u coloring page has a space for kids to draw their own short u word and then write the word. This is a great way to work on rhyming words.

You can see a bug they drew with the word written below.

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

Underline the CVC Word Family Ending in the Word

Another great activity that you can do with the CVC word family short u coloring pages is to trace the word and then underline the ending on each word.

You can see the word sun with the ending of un traced. You can do this for each of the words to work on learning the same ending sound.

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

Write the CVC Word Consonants and Vowels in a Different Color

You can also write the consonants and vowels in different colors.

You can see we used blue for the consonants and red for the vowels. You can use any color you want when this doing tracing activity for the CVC short u words.

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

Reuse the CVC Coloring pages

You can also reuse these pages. You can use the tracing part of the page and put the page in a sheet protector. Then they can trace the word over and over. And if you have lots of colors of dry erase markers they can color the page as well.

Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel with -ug,  -un, -ut  with tracing the words, coloring the pictures and draw their own short u word for the short u vowels plus ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

Looking for More CVC Short Vowel Coloring pages

If you are looking for more CVC word family coloring pages and more options, then check out the CVC Word Family Coloring Pages. It has all the CVC Short Vowel words in the set with a tracing page, writing page and vocab cards that match the CVC words on the coloring pages.

CVC Short Vowel Coloring Pages have the following short vowel endings: CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: -ab, -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, -ap, -at, -ed, -eg, -en, -et, -ib, -id, -ig, -im, -in, -ip, -it, -ix, -ob, -od, -og, -op, -ot, -ox, -ub, -ud, -ug, -um, -un, -up, -ut -  with tracing and writing options with matching vocab cards- 3Dinosaurs.com

Great CVC Books to Use with These CVC Coloring Pages

These are a few books you can use with the CVC coloring pages.

The Hen in the Den: Short Vowel Sounds is a great short vowel book with CVC words that rhyme with pictures and simple sentence to read.

BOB Books Rhyming words is a great way to work on word family words with kids.

The Bug in the Jug Wants a Hug is another short vowel book that has fun pictures and workings on rhyming words in the same sentence.

What you will find in these Free CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: -UG, -UN, -UT Printables:

  • 3 different Short U Word Endings
  • The following CVC Short U Endings: -ug, -un, -ut
  • Trace the CVC word and write own CVC short vowel word
  • -UG CVC Coloring Worksheet
  • -UN CVC Coloring Worksheet
  • -UT CVC Coloring Worksheet
New CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel - 3Dinosaurs.com

CVC Word Coloring Page Selling Set

The CVC Coloring Pages have the following CVC word families: -ab, -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, -ap, -at, -ed, -eg, -en, -et, -ib, -id, -ig, -im, -in, -ip, -it, -ix, -ob, -od, -og, -op, -ot, -ox, -ub, -ud, -ug, -um, -un, -up, -ut.

They have two CVC coloring worksheet options with tracing or writing words. Plus vocab cards to match the CVC word coloring worksheets.

CVC Short Vowel Coloring Pages have the following short vowel endings: CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: -ab, -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, -ap, -at, -ed, -eg, -en, -et, -ib, -id, -ig, -im, -in, -ip, -it, -ix, -ob, -od, -og, -op, -ot, -ox, -ub, -ud, -ug, -um, -un, -up, -ut -  with tracing and writing options with matching vocab cards- 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the CVC Short Vowel Coloring Page Selling Set

  • CVC Word Families: -ab, -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, -ap, -at, -ed, -eg, -en, -et, -ib, -id, -ig, -im, -in, -ip, -it, -ix, -ob, -od, -og, -op, -ot, -ox, -ub, -ud, -ug, -um, -un, -up, -ut
  • CVC Word Family Coloring Page with Tracing Word Option
  • CVC Word Family Coloring Page with Writing Word Option
  • CVC Word Family Vocab Cards with 2 or 3 words to match each CVC coloring worksheet
  • 63 pages
  • Price: $4

Check out these other CVC Short Vowel Printables

CVC Word Family Wall Cards has 20 CVC word family endings for kids to see the different words. You have CVC words list for each word ending in the set.

CVC Word Family Cards & Writing Practice has CVC word flashcards, writing pages, and CVC word tracing pages for kids to work on CVC words. It has list for a lot of the CVC words.

CVC Short U Puzzles has 6 short u puzzles for kids to work on short u words. You have puzzles for the following short u endings: -ug, -un, -ut.

CVC Word Family Playdough Mats has a great collection of mats to use to build words. You have a mat with the CVC endings for kids to build the beginning sounds on each CVC word.

Short Vowel UG Pack has a great collection of UG words with puzzles, worksheets, easy reader book and more.

Check out all the fun CVC Word Family Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

CVC Word Family Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

This post is part of the 31 days of free printables! Be sure to check back every day in March to get a new free printable!

31 Days of Free Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Day 1: Division Flash Cards
Day 2: Free St Patrick’s Day Coin Counting Printable
Day 3: Early Reading Printables BOB Books Sight Words Kindergarten Book 1 & 2
Day 4: Free Romping & Roaring Number 6 Pack
Day 5: Free St Patrick’s Day Dot Makers Printables
Day 6: Free Spring Pack 2
Day 7: Free Shape Playdough Mat with Tracing Shape & Word
Day 8: Free Digraph 3 Part Cards
Day 9: FREE ABC Uppercase Cursive Tracing Pages with Playdough Mats
Day 10: Early Reading Printables BOB Books Sight Words Kindergarten Book 3 & 4
Day 11: Free Romping & Roaring Primer Sight Words Packs Set 7
Day 12: Free 2015 Rain Calendar
Day 13: Free ABC Letter Find Uppercase & Lowercase
Day 14: Free Spring Weekly Reading Charts
Day 15: Free Dolch Preprimer Sight Word Wall Cards
Day 16: Free Spring Theme Prewriting Printable
Day 17: Early Reading Printables BOB Books Sight Words Kindergarten Book 5 & 6
Day 18: Free Romping & Roaring Number 7 Pack
Day 19: New CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel
Day 20: Free Roll An Easter Basket Printable
Day 21: Free Easter Playdough Mats Printable
Day 22: Free Farm Calendar
Day 23: Free Dolch Primer Sight Words Playdough Mats with Tracing
Day 24: Early Reading Printables BOB Books Sight Words Kindergarten Book 7 & 8
Day 25: Free Parent Teacher Conference Notes Printable
Day 26: Free Blends Coloring Pages: Bl, Br, Cl, Cr
Day 27: Free CVCC Word Family Ladder Printables
Day 28: Free Spring Thank You Cards
Day 29: Free Flower Themed Writing Paper Printable
Day 30: Free Weather Pack
Day 31: Early Reading Printables BOB Books Sight Words Kindergarten Book 9 & 10

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

New CVC Word Family Coloring Pages: Short U Vowel - 3Dinosaurs.com


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